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  • July 25

    UCC Legislative Update

    Governor Newsom Signs Remaining Bills in 2023-24 Budget Package; Behavioral Health Modernization Proposal, and other updates provided in the link below.

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  • June 30

    Legislative Update

    Assembly Speaker Transition: Rivas In; Rendon Out; June Budget Package: 2023-24 Budget Bills and Trailer Bills as of June 30; and other updates provided in the link below.

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  • June 28

    Special 2023-24 Budget Update

    Legislative Leaders and Governor Agree on Budget Deal. For more details please click the link below.

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  • June 23

    Legislative Update

    Administration’s Behavioral Health Modernization Proposal; Clock is Ticking on Finalizing the 2023-24 State Budget and other updates provided in the link below.

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  • June 16

    Legislative Update

    The Legislature Approves Budget Bill; Update on Conservatorship Reform: SB 43 (Eggman). Please click below for more details.

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  • June 9

    Legislative Update

    Sometimes No News is…News; Icy Reception in Policy Committees for Governor’s Infrastructure Bills and other updates provided in the link below.

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  • June 2

    Legislative Update

    Today’s First-House Legislative Deadline: Virtually All Bills Survive Major Hurdle; Assembly Engages in MCO Tax Discussion; and other updates provided in the link below.

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  • May 26

    Legislative Update

    Governor Signs Infrastructure Permitting Executive Order and Unveils Legislative Proposals; LAO Sounds Alarm in Multiyear Budget Outlook, and other updates provided in the link below.

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  • May 19

    Legislative Update

    Details Emerging on Governor’s Permitting Reform Plan; HHS Budget Update; and other updates provided in the link below.

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  • May 12

    Special Legislative Update – Summary of Governor’s 2023-24 May Revision

    In lieu of our weekly update, please find UCC’s detailed summary of the Governor’s 2023-24 May Revision in the link below.

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