January 8
Legislative Update Part 2
Governor Newsom released his 2021-22 proposed state budget today. Detailed summary provided in the link below.
Governor Newsom released his 2021-22 proposed state budget today. Detailed summary provided in the link below.
State Legislators scheduled to return to Capitol next week; Budget announcements to focus on Pandemic Recovery; COVID-19 vaccine updates and other updated provided in the link below.
Newsom Rolls Out School Reopening Plan; CMS Approves Extension of Section 1115 Waiver and other updates provided in the link below.
Governor Newsom Appoints Alex Padilla to U.S. Senate; Senior Staff Transition confirmed in Newsom Administration; Federal Stimulus Package leaves out states, locals and other updates provided in the link below.
Legislature Delays Return to Sacramento; Senate Democrats Introduce Housing Package; Governor Newsom issues new Executive Order and other updates provided in the link below.
Governor Newsom Makes New Appointments to Key Posts; Kickoff to 2021-22 Legislative Session Takes Place; Roomkey Next Steps and other updates provided in the link below.
Clarifications on the Governor’s Regional Stay-at-Home Order; Implementation of SB 803 Behavioral Health Peer Support Services underway and other updates provided in the link below.
Governor’s Noon COVID Update Previews Additional Stay-at-Home Restrictions; Legislature Announces COVID-Safe Swearing-In Ceremonies and other updates provided in the link below.
LAO Anticipates $26 Billion Windfall; Pro Tem Outlines Senate Democratic Caucus Budget Priorities and other updates provided in the link below.
November 2020 Election Roundup; Statewide Propositions; Local Ballot measures and other updated provided in the link below.